Promotion Policy

There is no retention in Grades 1-5. If a teacher is of the opinion that the student is not fit for the next class, in such a case, the principal, in consultation with the parents and teacher,can retain the student in the same class.

For Grades 1-5

• For students of Grades 1-5 (though there is no retention), if a teacher feels that the student is not fit to cope with the academic rigours of the next class, he/she will bring this to the attention of the HOS/ Principal. Parent is called in for a meeting by the teacher in the presence of HOS/ Principal. The performance and the challenges are discussed, and a mutual consensus is sought. Based on this, the decision regarding promotion is taken. The final authority remains with the principal.

For Grades 6-9

• Students scoring U in any subject in the annual report must appear for a retest conducted in the last week of March. Intention is to give the student an opportunity to score a D in the test. If the child scores a D, he/she gets promoted to the next grade. Otherwise, parents may appeal to the principal on justified grounds. This is considered on a case-to-case basis and the final decision on Promotion is with the principal.

• 85% attendance is imperative

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